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Transportation industry
Transportation industry Transport IndustryDongFangCity,relyingon the advantages of tourism nodes around Kuala Lumpur International Airport and along the Straits of Malacca, scientifically plansand developstourist routes, constantly improves
- time: 2018-06-19 10:41
- column: Traffic
- author: admin
Transportation industry
Transport Industry——DongFangCity, relying on the advantages of tourism nodes around Kuala Lumpur International Airport and along the Straits of Malacca, scientifically plans and develops tourist routes, constantly improves tourism transportation facilities, innovates tourism transportation products, and improves tourism transportation services, and builds a tourism transport network around Kuala Lumpur International Airport along the coastline Malacca,which is called the Straits Tourism Belt. It accelerates the integration of transportation and tourism. DongFangCity is currently applying for independent customs and plans to open land, sea and air line.